Welcome to Skull and Cross Smokies!

My Meditation is based on the (Western Outward Meditation)

okay. I've been an advocate for plain english and keeping things simple.
My meditation is to make me think clearer receive omens portants or inspiration,
draw down light and love to the center of the Earth. Intent and Love are KEY.
Excess power built up, I dump into my SHUNGITE water or the crystals I hold in my hands,
or one of the cute animals who I am lucky to have stay with me.

Bear with me, but Somewhere in all this I do some Gratitude, where I am greatful for things,
I start with things close to me, build up to Earth, and go out to three universes
(I am unable to imagine further out, maybe you can.
but God with a big "G" is the thought I can not think)
Anyway, it's basically just saying out loud, "I am greatful."
I think of my (self or self(s)) my living family, my animal friends,
the Earth. each time thinking of them an sayin it.
It puts me more in a state of mind of LOVING EVERYTHING or UNIVERSAL LOVE. this works for me.

So, next up is putting up protection.
I am using the gods of the six directions.
(some more info on this | .pdf download warning | save as)
You can swap My examples with your own gods.
Or Saints of the Six directions.
IF it works for you, USE it!

Beginners will want to draw an unbroken salt circle around themself for protection.
place a sheet down and you can pour the sea salt on it, for easier cleanup.
As you get more adept you can dispense with this

I face the EAST "usually", but I have also faced WEST during meditation.
I suppose it could also be unknown-lol such is life

I invoke the gods (gods that I Choose) of the six directions
in a "Z" pattern. East, South, North, West, UP, Down.

I say while visualizing the Color and attributes of each god/goddess

Concentrating on East
"ISIS goddess of the flowing Nile, Energize the East for me, As I will so mote it be"
"Diana fecun goddess of midday sun, energize the South for Me, As I will so mote it be"
"Odin Mighty warrior of the North, energize the North for me, As I will so mote it be"
"Michael mighty arch-angel of the west, energize the West for me, As I will so mote it be"
"Jehova come from your mighty overseeing chair with mighty power everywhere,
Energise the sky for me, As I will so mote it be"
"Pele goddess of Fire, Lightning, and Wind. Daughter of Mother Earth, energize the ground for me, As I will so mote it be"
"Gods of North South East and West, Protect me as I play and Rest"
"Gods Above and Gods Below protect me as I come and Go."
"So let it be"

Now I visualize the circle/sphere I built really lit up, and say,
"spirits of negative intent and spirits of lower entities you can not cross this sacred line"

I make the Celtic Cross
say, "May the Gods" Wave hand Top to Bottom (1-2)
"Protect me" wave hand Right to Left (3-4)

(I ask for a spirital guide)

"I ask this great unseen healing force to send my my highest guide to protect and send to me that which you wish"
(Then I do a small modification of lords prayer)

"Spirits who art in Side, blessed be thy names
God's kingdom come. God's will be done, on Earth as it is in Side.
Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our tresspasses,
as we forgive those who wrong us.
Help us endure our trials, and deliver us from negation,
so let it be"

Now I visualize a cone of power going up out into space
pretty much as far as I can imagine. It's like an antenna to receive.
I could just meditate this way and then close.
Give thanks for spirit guide presence, make the cone energy go
back down, visualize surrounded by pure white light, say,
"I am surrounded by the pure white light of the god,
nothing but good shall come to me and nothing but good shall go from me,
so let it be."
For me NEW.. Optional/ now Usually I raise the Merkaba.

The Merkaba Meditation is best taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek. In my opinion.
he's not the only teacher though, and your free to do your thing.

Protection up, Merkaba up, I do Gratitude (see above.)
Then. raise/draw-down light to flood/cover Earth.

Um, another train of thought says this all can be simplified down and shortened in duration.
Some people use a timer. I tried but stopped doing it that way.
Bottom line, it takes me as long as it does, could be 20 min, could be less, could be longer.

If Water is misting your face from rain while SunRays poke thru trees in spring garden rain, 
do you really want a Buzzer going off as you hear the Hawk overhead?  Or would you dispense with
the buzzer and merkaba your way to your heart where time doesn't matter.

I might mix things up and go weird places, or suddenly find a problem I need to ho'oponopono on, 
the rules of meditation were meant to be broken, to me now, nutrition is more important in my whole family's life
than such ritual at certain timings, or making it to the mass meditation, I already mass meditate every morning. 
I notice many guru's neglect nutrition. It nearly took me. There are other kinds of meditation that these
ideas/tools can be used on it. 
next up.
* Merkaba - suppose the whole thing is pretty deep to explain huh
* Crystal Skull Grotto - I love going to the grotto. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIeyw8WD7v0 )

-=-=-=[ Greatful to ]-=-=-=-